Swiss AIDS Federation

There are countless ways to have sex. You decide what you like. It is important to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Safer sex means: vaccinate, protect, test & treat.

Positive life 2


Positive Life - the platform for living with HIV.

Frame 5

Safer Sex: Testing

Regular testing provides clarity – regardless of symptoms.

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New from 1 July 2024

From 1 July 2024, HIV-PrEP will be covered by compulsory health insurance.

How is HIV transmitted?

HIV is relatively difficult to transmit. HIV cannot be transmitted through everyday activities.

Did you know?

Most STIs are easily treatable, but not all of them are harmless.

Support the Swiss AIDS Federation

The Swiss AIDS Federation plans, coordinates and realises prevention projects on HIV and other sexually transmitted infections - especially for the most vulnerable populations. We are committed to people with HIV, their needs, rights and equality in society.

Safer Sex

Safer Sex means protecting yourself against sexually transmitted infections. There are different risks, protection options and protection recommendations depending on the infection.