
Discriminated against? Let us know!

Report to the Swiss AIDS Federation if you have been discriminated against or if someone you know with HIV has been discriminated against.

The Swiss AIDS Federation functions as the federal reporting point for discrimination and infringements of privacy related to HIV and AIDS. We rely on reports from you to build a comprehensive picture of discrimination today, to fight it, and to provide the information people need.

Those living with HIV continue to be disadvantaged, and face discrimination in many different areas of their lives. For example, many life insurers still categorically reject applications from HIV-positive individuals. Discriminatory behaviour also remains rife in the world of work. Applications ask for HIV tests and, after an individual has been "outed" as HIV-positive, they are sacked, or their data protection rights are violated.

Don't stay silent – tell us what has happened

Send us the form shown below. It's up to you whether you stay anonymous or give us your contact details. Alternatively, write to our legal information office at recht@aids.ch.

Please give a brief description of the incident. The report can cover everything that you feel was unjust.

You may contact me with further questions.

I would like free advice from a Swiss AIDS Federation legal advisor.

Falls Sie eines oder beide Auswahlfelder (Rückfragen und Beratung) angekreuzt haben, benötigen wir Ihre Mailadresse. Wir unterstehen der Schweigepflicht und werden die Angaben zu Ihrer Person streng vertraulich behandeln.

I accept the privacy policy.
