You can protect yourself against hepatitis B with a very simple method: vaccination.

Recommended for everyone.

 Hepatitis A and B are infectious liver inflammations. They can both be transmitted sexually. Currently, it is only possible to get vaccinated against these two types of viral hepatitis. The vaccination consists of several injections at staggered intervals. Learn more about the benefits, risks, side-effects and costs from a healthcare professional.

More information about the illnesses can be found at STI: hepatitis A and STI: hepatitis B

Who should get vaccinated?

Vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended for all people. The hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for infants. Anyone who didn’t get the vaccination in childhood can get it later, and this is recommended at any age. 

How is the vaccine administered?

There are vaccines against hepatitis B alone, a combination vaccine against hepatitis A and B and six-in-one vaccines for infants that include a vaccine against hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccination requires two to three doses of the respective vaccine, depending on age and vaccination schedule. After one vaccination cycle, 95% of those vaccinated are protected for many years, probably for life. It is recommended to check the success of the hepatitis B vaccination (titre determination). 

How much does it cost?

The costs of the hepatitis B vaccination are covered by health insurance (after deduction of the excess and deductible). Costs for the combination vaccine for hepatitis A and B are only covered by health insurance in certain cases. Clarify the benefits, risks and costs with a healthcare professional and get vaccinated against hepatitis A and B at the same time.
