What’s your emergency?

There are professionals here to help you 24/7.

I have been exposed to HIV.

PEP emergency treatment for HIV is available after unprotected anal or vaginal sex. To be effective, the treatment must be provided within a matter of hours. Click here for more information.

I had sex without contraception.

Over-the-counter hormonal emergency contraception ("morning-after pill") is available in pharmacies, at sexual health advice centres or from medical professionals. Minors can also obtain emergency contraception without informing their parents. You can find more information here.

Someone has used too many drugs.

If you or someone else needs urgent help after taking substances (drugs) or alcohol, call an ambulance on 144. Tell the emergency services everything you know. This can save lives.

Ambulances are not usually accompanied by the police.

I’ve experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence.

Did someone insult you or hurt you? Did you experience violence at home or in public? Did someone sexually harass you? Get help now.

1. Make sure you are safe: Call the police (dial 117) and ask your friends or neighbours for help. Leave the dangerous situation and seek shelter.

2. Look after your health: Seek medical attention as soon as possible (ER at a hospital). In an emergency, call an ambulance (dial 144). This way you will receive the necessary medical care and psychological support.

3. Collect evidence: Collect all the evidence of the aggression and do everything possible to preserve the traces. Get a medical report with a detailed description of your injuries. Especially in the case of sexual assault. it's important that you don't wash or change your clothes and don't wash yourself. This is the only way evidence on your body can be collected. For this reason, in the event of sexual assault, seek immediate medical attention at the nearest ER.

4. Seek advice: Victim Support Switzerland supports everybody who has been physically, psychologically or sexually assaulted in Switzerland. They will also help you to file a report. Here you can find the advice centre nearest to you.

5. Report an LGBTIQ hate crime: Are you a victim or witness of discrimination? Did you experience, hear, or see a hate crime? Report the incident to the LGBTIQ helpline!

I'm having a mental breakdown.

If you're not feeling well and you need someone to talk to, dial 143. You will always find an open ear here, somebody with no prejudice, with whom you can talk about anything that's troubling you. It's completely confidential and anonymous.

If you're having an emergency mental health crisis, there is a psychiatric emergency care, crisis intervention or psychiatric service available in your canton. They're here for you 24/7. Call 144 to get in touch with them.

Do you have questions about sexual orientation, gender identity or intersexuality? Are you lesbian, bi, gay, trans, non-binary, intersex – or are you unsure? The queer advisers at the LGBTIQ-Helpline are here for you and can support you. From Monday to Friday, from 7pm – 9pm by phone at 0800 133 133 and by chat. At any time by e-mail. If you wish to receive consultation in French, Italian or English, please contact us via e-mail or chat and an adviser will contact you.