Symposium for the 40th anniversary

The interdisciplinary symposium marking the 40th anniversary of the Swiss AIDS Federation: various panels will examine our work from a historical, legal, political and medical perspective. The symposium is being held in collaboration with the National Museum Zurich.

Detailed programme

09:30-10:15 Registration

From 09:30 you can register for the symposium in the archway of the National Museum Zurich and enjoy coffee and croissants.

10:15-10:30 Welcome

Welcome by Denise Tonella, Director of the Swiss National Museum, and Florian Vock, Deputy Executive Director of Aids-Hilfe Schweiz.

10:30-11:30 Remembering the Deceased: Cultures of Remembrance in the Face of AIDS and Other Pandemics

Detailed information will follow.

11:30-12:30 Quilts: Reflections

Detailed information will follow.

12:30-14:00 Lunch

Lunch will be served for all participants in the courtyard of the National Museum.

14:00-15:00 Epidemic of Ignorance

Despite medical progress, the stigmatization of and discrimination against people living with HIV remain particularly severe. What have we learned about society from the HIV epidemic? 

A brief presentation of studies on discrimination, followed by a legal perspective from our organization's legal office, and finally, an exchange with members of the Positive Life Advisory Board (pLAB) will allow for an in-depth exploration of the issue of discrimination in the context of the HIV pandemic. 

15:15-16:15 Impulses from science & society: 2030 in view

There is hope! 

For 40 years, HIV prevention has been providing impulses around the world for equal health opportunities, participatory work and innovative projects. With high-profile guests from Switzerland and abroad, we look ahead: Will we achieve the global goal by 2030? What can Switzerland learn from the world – and what do all of us have to contribute to ensure that there are no new infections and that people with HIV everywhere have a chance at the good life? 

16:30-17:30 Apéro

The participants of the symposium are invited to an exclusive aperitif.


Further details on the programme will be added on an ongoing basis. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided if required. If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessibility, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Important: A separate ticket is required for the subsequent anniversary celebration.

Further items on the programme for the anniversary day
