Academy Mobil - the Swiss AIDS Federation brings training to you!

Academy Mobil offers its members a flexible format for training that is tailored to local needs and working conditions and takes place directly on site. Professionals gain easy access to expertise that improves their daily work and is tailored to their specific circumstances.

For member organisations of the Swiss AIDS Federation

  • Mobile training: Training sessions last four hours and provide basic knowledge on a specific topic. They include an analysis of existing services, case discussions and best practice examples to put theory into practice.
  • Topics include
    • Basics: HIV and other STIs
    • Basics: Sexualised substance use
    • Introduction to peer counselling (intervision)

Academy Mobil enables member organizations to continuously develop their skills and make their work more effective and targeted.

For other institutions: 

On request, we also offer input presentations and workshops for universities, organisations, government agencies and other institutions, or we can help you find suitable speakers. Please do not hesitate to contact us!
