In 2022, Sweden counted 104 Ukrainians with HIV, including children. The majority had a high viral load and were no longer taking ART at the time of the consultation.

In 2022, 104 Ukrainians with HIV reached Sweden. Of these, 60% were women, with an average age of 43. The majority had a high viral load and were no longer taking ART at the time of the consultation. There were also a few children among the people with HIV from Ukraine.

Before fleeing, the majority had received dolutegravir, lamivudine and tenofovir. However, 40% were not sure which ART they had taken. Fortunately, restarting ART gave good results (Anna Mia Ekström, Professor of Infectiology Karolinska Institutet, Sweden).

Thea Indahl Maehlum, social worker at The Church City Mission Aksept Norway, talks about the biggest challenges in her work with people with HIV who have recently fled to Norway from Ukraine:

  • These people often have limited knowledge about their diagnosis.
  • Some of them had to leave their home country from one day to the next. That is why, for example, not all of them can state exactly what medication they are taking.
  • The will to integrate varies greatly. Many do not intend to stay in Norway permanently.
  • The stigma is high. It is often very important for refugees with HIV to state that they are "decent people" («I don't take drugs!» / «I'm not a prostitute!»).
  • Due to the stigma, many refugees with HIV do not trust interpreters or doctors.
  • In some cases, refugees with HIV are afraid of being deported if their status becomes known.

What refugees with HIV from Ukraine need:

  • Uncomplicated access to therapy
  • Individual counseling in some cases
  • Most Ukrainian refugees with HIV do not want to meet other people with HIV from Ukraine, but Aksept Norway has had good experiences with workshops that educate people about the rights of people with HIV in Norway.
  • It is important that the local social worker knows the legal situation and healthcare system in Norway well and is bilingual (Ukrainian / Norwegian).
  • Many people with HIV from Ukraine distrust doctors, but trust healthcare professionals.